
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Arts for all and all for arts...advocates take Columbia

Bright faces of local arts agency directors helped lift the gloom of the soggy day at the annual Arts Advocacy event at the SC Statehouse yesterday. While the rain poured, the advocates poured into the Statehouse and then came over for the legislative luncheon. A special highlight was the music of young students from Saluda River Arts Academy who sang "Nothing Could Be Finer than to be in Carolina" and other selections.

The common experience of lean times, a spirit of commraderie and shared challenges led several directors to ask about an executive directors' retreat. 

Perhaps this Spring?   We'll poll some of you to settle on a date for that.
(Top photo:  Anne Craig, Greenwood; Kimberly Spears, Anderson; Marty Besancon, N. Chas.; and Perry Mixter, Spartanburg.
2nd Photo on top right: SCAC Folk Director Julianne Carroll with Beth Thomas, Orangeburg.
Left Photo below: Anne Craig, Greenwood, with Kristin Cobb, Kershaw. Right Photo: Debra Heintz, York County)
Meanwhile, thanks to Betty Plumb and the SC Arts Alliance for creating this opportunity to gather again and tell the stories of art in community.  

Betty Plumb and advocate and educator Larry Barnfield, Fine Arts Supervisor of Dorchestor 2 School District, were part of the great group gathered at the Statehouse to meet and greet legislators on their exit from the Chambers. THANKS BETTY!!! and all who participated.